Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Play and Learn in SL - a busy night

I spent time tonight in SL with friends. First I showed a friend the Blogger Cafe, then back at the DEN house I met some new friends and talked to them about DEN in SL and RL, then I went with Kristy and Macsmom exploring fun sites on other islands, and I ended the evening chatting with Kyle about our plans for IL-TCE. I have the Landmarks for the places visited tonight. Guess I should have made slurls. I did remember to take snapshots, though. So if you want to visit these places in SL just IM me Lor Fredriksson and I'll drop you the LM.

There's a place where you go ride go karts. You need $5L to try this adventure. Kristy and Macsmom seemed to have a blast. It was fun to watch.

We went ice skating too. Macsmom took us to a safe place to skate. The skates you buy allow you to do many more tricks than the free ones.

We then teleported to Hawaii. There was beautiful scenery, but we couldn't figure out how to windsurf or surf. Kristy and I both couldn't get the windkite to work. Maybe next time.

Deka's place is always fun, too. Here I am on the trampoline. We also played darts, but took a pass at mud wrestling.

And then there was time to plan and learn in front of the campfire on ISTE island. Kyle and I collaborated on plans for IL-TCE workshops and an SL Playground for the conference.

SL is addictive. Tomorrow I go to Kristy's scripting class.

1 comment:

mathplayground said...

What short attention spans we have - racing, skating, Hawaii, darts, and trampolines all in the same evening.

Nice pictures!