Monday, July 09, 2007

Twittering or iChat

I have been using Twitterific and Twitterbox more now instead of iChat or AIM. Twittering is interesting, but at times I think I'm spying on my friends and their daily life. Should I know that much about these people? Do my Twitter friends need to know my every move? I can't decide. iChat and AIM allow me to leave away messages to let family and friends know what I'm currently doing as does Twitter. Twitter allows me to know when my friends might be in SL or follow their work on their wikis and blogs. iChat and AIM allow me to chat in real time with family and friends without my SL avatar. I see a need for these various types of communication tools. I don't use my phone for texting that much and to keep costs down we don't use the phone for internet. So I'm choosing when to use which tool and separating who is a twitter friend, who is on my iChat, or AIM. And then there is Skype!! So many choices.

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